Film Review- Peer

 Hey gang!

      Today, after Camila and I finished our film we asked one of our friends to watch it and give us some critiques. Lyne, our friend, gave back some good notes that Camila and I looked at. We also watched the final film with her and made some notes on how to edit it as well. 

     One of the first things pointed out, was the time of our film. Our film was a bit too long and that was the first thing Lyne pointed out to us. She gave us a few suggestions on how to help fix this however. Her first suggestion was the baking scene. We wanted to include the use of a knife in the scene, as a symbol for the thriller movie, however these scenes just took too much of the time up. Lyne said she would take out any scenes of baking that come after we put the cake in the oven. Camila and I took note of this.

     Another point was on our usage of sound effects, and possibly add another copyright free soundtrack, to add to the ambiance. Through our first watch through, we caught many silent moments, that did not fit with our final vision. With the addition of another song, we could amplify the mood we want to create. Sound effects will also add to the dramatics of the film, which would fit a Thriller. A few of Lyne's suggestions on where to put them included the oven beeping and when the figure shows at the end. This was also noted by Camila and I.

     One of Lyne's last suggestions was to add some filler shots during our montage before the "real" story. Lyne knew our vision of what we wanted our first 30-40 seconds of the film was, but she didn't see it come together. She thought that with an addition of extra shots, the vision we were trying to portray would come together. Camila and I noted this lastly. We are so grateful that she was able to review our film and help us create what we knew we wanted to make. We will be applying these edits coming up! Thank you!

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