Title Design


Title Font- The idea was to use the font, Times New Roman, in bold, to display all of the titles, including the title of our final project. This font was used to keep the idea of the oil simple, but with a classic tone, to make sure there isn't too much focus taken away from what the characters are doing in the background.          (Times New Roman)    

Title Color- We plan to have each of the titles done in a dark red color, to hint at the darker theme of the film, but to also make sure the titles could be seen against the lighter, indoor setting. (Example)

Title Size- The most likely title size for our project will be a medium-large sized font, that would take up the corner of the screen, but not too big of a space, to not cover the background. Titles such as "Directed by:", would be in a size bigger than the name that would follow that title, ex. Directed by: Katherine V. The title of the movie is also going to be significantly bigger than the other titles, in a large-largest size, that will take up up to half of the screen, ex. Title

Title- "Omniscience"

The titles will enter and leave the screen through fades in and out of the screen behind it, while each title will last for about two and a half seconds, so the titles aren't being shown through the entire film portion, but won't be on and off the screen in the blink of an eye.

                                                   Movie Title Inspriation | mackenziecharlottefell 


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