
Showing posts from March, 2024

AICE Media Studies Final Task- Omniscience

Hey gang! This is my final task that I have been working on for the past few months. I'm so happy with how it came out, and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you!

Film Review- Edits

 Hey gang! This is a follow up of my last blog. Camila and I have taken the notes Lyne gave us on our film and applied the changes to the movie. We are so thankful she was able to help us out. It really means a lot, and we would do the same if she needed it, so overall we both feel a lot of gratitude for her feedback.      Our first edit was our use of a knife in the kitchen and the situation regarding the cake. We decided that out of all the scenes to cut to make the film shorter, Lyne was correct. We didn't need to include all of the cutting and making of the ingredients. We also did not need to see much of the cake after we placed it in the oven. We think that this could add to the mysteriousness of the film, as we have no idea how the oven really never turned off after us assuringly "taking out the cake".      The next edit made was to the sounds. We decided the addition of another song would add to the ambiance more, and wouldn't leave so much sil...

Film Review- Peer

 Hey gang!       Today, after Camila and I finished our film we asked one of our friends to watch it and give us some critiques. Lyne, our friend, gave back some good notes that Camila and I looked at. We also watched the final film with her and made some notes on how to edit it as well.       One of the first things pointed out, was the time of our film. Our film was a bit too long and that was the first thing Lyne pointed out to us. She gave us a few suggestions on how to help fix this however. Her first suggestion was the baking scene. We wanted to include the use of a knife in the scene, as a symbol for the thriller movie, however these scenes just took too much of the time up. Lyne said she would take out any scenes of baking that come after we put the cake in the oven. Camila and I took note of this.      Another point was on our usage of sound effects, and possibly add another copyright free soundtrack, to add to the ambiance...