Final Task StoryBoard


 1.Establishing shot of two teenage girls ( Charlotte and Bella) with a toddler (Alex) in the living room
2. Charlotte asks Alex if he wants to watch something on the tv. Alex shakes his head. Bella picks up remote control and plays movie for him.
3. Alex sits down ready to draw
4. Charlotte and Bella walk into the kitchen
5. All of the ingredients for the cake are placed on top of the counter
6. Alex has his art materials on top of the coffee table 
1. Bella and Charlotte begin mixing the ingredients 
2. Alex starts to draw on his papers
3. Bella and Charlotte put the cake in the oven
4. Alex finishes his drawings
5. Bella and Charlotte walk back to the living room after taking the cake out the oven
6.  Alex scatters through his drawings trying to find which paper to give them

1.  All three of them sit down in the living room looking at Alex's drawings
2. Charlotte realizes one of the drawings has fire on it. Bella takes a closer look
3. Charlotte and Bella discuss the drawing of fire 
4. close up of the fire on the drawing
5. Charlotte realizes that the drawing is a stove on fire
6. All three of them talk about the drawing

                                                      1. Alex points towards the kitchen 
                                      2. Charlotte smells smoke, and realizes the stove is on fire
                          3. Bella runs to the kitchen to turn the stove off after realizing she left it on
                     4. Bella and Charlotte seemed relieved that nothing happened but Alex is in distress
                                                5. Alex shows them one of his drawings 
                                          6. Bella and Alex look at his drawing more up close

1. Bella tells Charlotte about the drawing but brushes it off and they decide to go eat
2. All three of them sit down to enjoy the cake
3. Bella gets up from the table and looks out the window
4. Outside the house there is a dark shadow 
5. Charlotte realizes what Bella saw and freezes. They are both shocked and don't know what to do
6. Meanwhile, Alex goes back to his table to keep drawing


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